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Dear readers,

It is with pleasure to welcome you to the latest issue of the Rwanda Public Health Bulletin, dedicated to the
critical topic of Non-Communicable Diseases (NCDs). NCDs are a global health crisis, and Rwanda is no
exception. These diseases, which include cervical cancer, obesity, and chronic kidney diseases, diabetes,
cardiovascular diseases, and others are responsible for a significant burden of morbidity and mortality
worldwide. NCDs have a profound impact on the lives of our citizens and necessitate dedicated efforts in
prevention, early detection, and management.

Cervical cancer is a poignant example of the disparities that exist in healthcare access and outcomes between developed and developing nations. While it remains a leading cause of cancer-related deaths among women in many low-resource settings, this issue of the RPHB sheds light on the feasibility of cervical cancer
screening programs tailored to developing countries’ specific contexts. The issue provides valuable insights
into screening challenges and innovative strategies and approaches to expanding cervical cancer screening
and prevention programs, ultimately contributing to a reduction in the burden of this devastating cancer in
developing countries.

The alarming rise of obesity, particularly among our high school students, is a concerning trend with farreaching health implications. Lifestyle choices, dietary habits, and sedentary behaviors have contributed
to the surge in obesity rates. This issue explores the epidemiology of obesity among high school students
to inform the comprehensive strategies dedicated to promoting healthier lifestyles, improved nutrition, and
increased physical activity within schools.

Apart from NCDs highlighted in this issue, you will also learn about factors associated with nonadherence
to medications among schizophrenia patients and fertility return among women who discontinue

The fight against NCDs is a complex and ongoing challenge, but it is one that Rwanda is committed
to winning. The knowledge, research, and experiences shared within this issue of the RPHB exemplify
the dedication and collaboration of healthcare professionals, researchers, educators, policymakers, and the
entire Rwandan community in building a healthier, more resilient Rwanda. Therefore, I sincerely appreciate
all the contributors, authors, and the editorial team for their tireless efforts in producing this informative and
enlightening issue. May the insights shared here inspire further innovation, research, and action to combat
NCDs and enhance the health and well-being of all Rwandans.

Thank you for your continued support in our journey as we strive to create a brighter and healthier future.

Category: Foreword

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