Reviewers play a great role maintaining the quality of scientific content published by RPHB. They are thus required to spend time providing their knowledge and expertise on prospective publication materials.

The bulletin therefore call for experienced professionals to join a pool of existing resourceful and knowledgeable reviewers. For more details on our editorial board members, please click here

Becoming a RPHB Peer-Reviewer

Becoming a reviewer on the RPHB requires one to have high level of scientific integrity and experience in public health and medical research.

Please provide your profile and short biography. This information will help us target your reviews and send you relevant manuscripts that fit your area of experience and interests.  .

RPHB review process


For initial reviews, the RPHB editors work on submitted manuscripts and assess the adherence to bulletin’s standards and the quality scientific language used as well as the overall applied research methodologies. They also focus on originality, relevance to the bulletin’s audience. RPHB editors thereafter request authors of retained manuscripts to submit a revised version of their work. The revised version will then be shared for peer revision.


RPHB provides a peer-review form on which the peer reviewer will give his/her expert judgment on the quality of the manuscript. The reviewer will mark the scientific significance and relevance of the paper and advise the team on whether if the content should be considered for publication or not. Peer-reviewers also give opinions on what authors can do in major revisions, minor revisions, and rejection or if they should re- submit to other public health bulletin/ journals.

In normal revision circumstances/ processes, reviewers are given maximum one week or two to have reverted their reviews and recommendations to the managing editors. Reviewers will be contacted on different periods depending on receipt/submission of relevant manuscripts.

To insure unbiased review, RPHB review processes operate under “double blind” approach/ policy: Both the author(s) and reviewer’s identities will not be revealed to the other party.  

Should you be interested in becoming a RPHB reviewer, please kindly fill the form below.

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