A pilot study on the usability and acceptability of HCV self-testing among the general population in Rwanda

Principal investigator: Janvier SERUMONDO
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Janvier Serumondo, Placidie Mugwaneza, Emil Ivan Mwikarago, Muhammed Semakula, Elena Ivanova, Emmanuel Fajardo, Sonjelle Shilton, Geoffrey M Graham, Rajeshkumar Sheliya

Study information

  • Research Area: HCV
  • Research type: prospective observational cross-sectional study.
  • Start date: Jul 01, 2020
  • End date: May 28, 2021

Study aim of the objectives

1. To determine usability (the ability to correctly perform test and interpret results) of HCV self-test using observed testing model.
2. To measure agreement between results of the same test interpreted by a self-tester and trained healthcare worker (HCW, inter-reader agreement) and agreement of results between HCV self-testing and professional HCV testing (inter-operator agreement).
3. To understand and explore acceptability of and preferences for HCV self-testing among users of the general population.

Study setting/Area (Location)

Rwamagana Provincial Hospital

Implementing institution

Rwanda Biomedical Centre and FIND



Impact on Policy

Findings will help to review HCV testing guideline and to introduce HCV sef-testing method

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